Losari beach is a beach which is located in the west of the city of Makassar. The beach is a place for residents of Makassar to spend time in the morning, afternoon and evening enjoying the sunset scenery is very beautiful.
One of the typical snacks that dijajak Makassar in the tent stalls are bananas Epe (raw banana is burned, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water. Most delicious eaten while still hot).
Currently tent stalls selling seafood that has been moved to a spot in front of the home office who is also the Mayor of Makassar still be around Losari Beach.
In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the seconds sunset.
Apart from that, Losari beach is one of the most chic dress and I've been to throughout Indonesia, and another great beach is located right in the heart of the big city. Comparing with some shoreline big cities in Java, clearly the top Losari: litter-free and comfortable visit. As I write this I imagine the smell and crowded situation in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, or Perak port in Surabaya. Not surprisingly, the first Queen Elizabeth of England when they travel to Jakarta (the 80's) he did not want to get down from the car upon arrival at Tanjung Priok because he was so shocked by the smell and the chaotic situation in the harbor. He thought, as beautiful Tanjung Priok harbor with Hong Kong. This incident became "incident protocol" which is a shame, but that's the face of the port in Jakarta.
Losari beach is very strategic position and become an integral part of the atmosphere that extends as far as the city of Makassar approximately 4 miles. The beach is directly accessible by the main road the main protocol. Bertumbuhan hotel across the street with a variety of classes. Call it a name hotel located very close to the shoreline al: MGM Hotel, Losari Beach Hotel, Quality Hotel, Hotel Aryadutta, and Aston. For mid-budget traveler, can select Losari Beach Hotel, or go a little bit into the way Joseph Latumahina, there is a cozy little hotel that Hotel Kenari. I myself like Quality or Losari Beach Hotel because of its location right, and the price is not exorbitant.
The most ideal time to visit is in the afternoon Losari beach between the hours of 15:00 to 21:00 hours. Many who come here to sit sit down to enjoy a clean beach, jogging along the pedestrian as far as 500 m, or eat at stalls that have been relocated by the local government (the most southern tip of the beach). Young parents will come here enjoy the sunset here while membelu food from vendors. If you like jogging, this place is ideal. Clean air and the wind blew relentlessly, golden red sun sweeping human face sitting shoreline.
Trader sells a variety of food ranging from light snacks only just chock stomach like meatballs or fried. There are also traditional foods such as Coto Makassar or seafood dishes with original recipes Bugis people. Really good!
Trader sells a variety of food ranging from light snacks only just chock stomach like meatballs or fried. There are also traditional foods such as Coto Makassar or seafood dishes with original recipes Bugis people. Really good!

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